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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلم على أشرف خلق القهار نبيينا محمد و على آله و صحبه و من ولاه

أما بعد

ما حكم من يعتقد أن صفات الخالق مثل صفات المخلوق؟

What is the ruling concerning the one who believes that the attributes of the Creator are similar to that of the creation?

الجواب: الذي يعتقد أن صفات الخالق مثل صفات المخلوق ضال, ذلك أن صفات الخالق لا تما ثل صفات المخلو قين بنص القرآن الكريم قال الله-تعالى: ( ليس كمثله شىء و هو السميع البصير) (سورة الشورى:11) و لا يلزم من تما ثل الشيئين في الاسم أو الصفة أن يتما ثلا في الحقيقة هذه قاعدة معلومة. أليس للآد مي وجهز و للبعير وجه؟ اتفقا في الاسم لكن لم يتفقا في الحقيقة. وللجمل يد, و للذرة يد, فهل اليدان متما ثلتان؟
     الجواب لا. اذا لماذا لا تقول الله-عز و جل-وجه لا يما ثل أوجه المخلقين, ولله يد و لا تما ثل أيدي المخلقين؟! قال الله-تعلى-: (و ما قدروا الله حق قدره والأرض جميعا قبضته يوم القيامة و السموات مطويت بيمينه) (سورة الزمر:67) و قال: ( يوم نطوى السماء كطى السجل للكتب) (سورة اللأنبياء 104) هل هناك يد من أيدي المخلوقين تكون كهذه اليد؟ لا. اذن يجب أن نعلم أن الخالق لا يما ثل المخلوق, لا في ذاته, و لا في صفاته (ليس كمثله شىء و هو السميع البصير) (سورة الشورى:11) ولذلك لا يجوز أبدا أن تتخيل كيفية صفة من صفات الله, أو أن تظن أن صفات الله كمثل صفات المخلوقين.

And the Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymeen answered by saying:

?The one who believes that the attributes of the Creator is like that of the creation is misguided! That is because the attributes of the Creator is not similar to the attributes of the creation and this is known by the text in the noble Qur?aan. Allaah the Most High says:

?There is nothing like Him and He is the all Hearing the all Seeing? [42:11]

And because two things may resemble one another in name or in description does not necessitate or warrant that they resemble one another in [in every respect] reality and this is a principle that is well known. Does not mankind posses a face and does not an animal have a face? And for the camel likewise, [does it ] have a face? They agree in the name used however they do not agree in reality. And the camel has a hand and the fly or knat has a hand, so do these hands resemble one another? The answer is NO! Then why do you not say for Allaah ?Azza wa Jall that Allaah possesses a face but it is not like the face of His creation?! Allaah has a hand and yet it does not resemble His creations [hands]?  Allaah the most High says:

?They made not a just estimate of Allaah such as due to Him. And on the day of resurrection the whole of the earth will be grasped by His hand and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand. Glorified is He, and high is He above all that they associate as partners with Him!? [39:67]

And Allaah says:

?And [remember] the Day when We shall roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books.? [21:104]

Well then, is there a hand from amongst the creation like this hand? No! Then it is obligatory that we know that the Creator does not resemble His creation, not in His Dhaat [essence or self] and not in His attributes. ?There is nothing like Him and He is the all Hearing the all Seeing? [42:11] And because of that, it is not permissible ever to imagine the modality or howness of an attribute from amongst the attributes of Allaah or to think  or imagine that the attributes of Allaah are similar to or like the attributes of the creation.

[end of fatwa]


Fatawa Arkaanul Islaam pg.93 question no.40 by Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymeen [Rahimahullaah]

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