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» In reference to the Asmaa was-Sifaat of Allaah
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24-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 142
Joined: Sep 2002
As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah,

This is with respect to the beneficial talk our brother in Islaam Aboo Al-Abbaas Moosaa Richarson [hafidhahullaah] gave on the Asmaa was Sifaat of Allaah Tabaarka wa Ta'aala 0f the 99 Names of Allaah as mentioned in Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymeen's [Rahimahullaah] work entitled" Qawaa'idul Muthlaa Fee Sifaati Allaah wa Asmaa'ihil Husnaa" I have also posted the links to the orgin of the sites both in English and Arabic.

وقد جمعت تسعة وتسعين اسماً مما ظهر لي من كتاب الله تعالى وسنة رسوله صلى الله عليه

فمن كتاب الله تعالى:
الأول الإله الأكرم الأعلى الأحد الله
البصير البر البارئ والباطن والظاهر والآخر
الحفي الحفيظ الحسيب الحافظ الجبار التواب
الحي الحميد الحليم الحكيم المبين الحق
الرحمن الرؤوف الخلاق الخالق الخبير القيوم
الشاكر السميع السلام الرقيب الرزاق الرحيم
العظيم العزيز العالم الصمد الشهيد الشكور
الغني الغفور الغفار العلي العليم العفو
القريب القدير القدوس القاهر القادر الفاتح
المؤمن اللطيف الكريم الكبير القهار القوي
المحيط المجيد المجيب المتين المتكبر المتعالي
المولى المليك الملك المقيت المقتدر المصور
الودود الواسع الوارث الواحد النصير المهيمن
الوهاب الولي الوكيل
ومن سنة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:
الجميل(6) الجواد(7) الحكم(8) الحيي(9) الرب(10) الرفيق(11) السبوح(12) السيد(13) الشافي(14) الطيب(15) القابض(16)الباسط(17)المقدم(18)المؤخر(19) المحسن(20) المعطي(21) المنان(22) الوتر(23).
هذا ما اخترناه بالتتبع، واحد وثمانون اسماً في كتاب الله تعالى وثمانية عشر اسماً في سنة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وإن كان عندنا تردد في إدخال (الحفي)؛ لأنه إنما ورد مقيداً في قوله تعالى عن إبراهيم: (إِنَّهُ كَانَ بِي حَفِيّاً)(24) وما اخترناه فهو حسب علمنا وفهمنا وفوق كل ذي علم عليم حتى يصل ذلك إلى عالم الغيب والشهادة ومن هو بكل شيء عليم(25).

(1) سورة الإسراء، الآية: 36. - (2) سورة الأعراف، الآية: 33. - (3) رواه أحمد (1/391، 452)، وابن حبان رقم (2372) "موارد"، والحاكم (1/509)، وذكره الألباني في "الأحاديث الصحيحة" رقم (199).
(4) علق فضيلة الشيخ المؤلف هنا بقوله: إحصاؤها حفظها لفظاً وفهمها معنى، وتمامه أن يتعبد لله تعالى بمقتضاها. - (5) رواه البخاري، كتاب التوحيد (7392) ومسلم، كتاب الذكر (2677). - (6) "صحيح مسلم"، كتاب الإيمان (91).
(7)"سنن الترمذي"،كتاب صفة القيامة (2495) وحسنه،و"سنن ابن ماجه"كتاب الزهد(4257)،و"مسند أحمد"(5/154)،والبيهقي في الشعب.
(8) "سنن أبي داود"، كتاب الأدب (4955)، و "سنن النسائي"، كتاب آداب القضاة (5387).
(9) "سنن أبي داود"، كتاب الحمام (4012)، و "سنن النسائي"، كتاب الغسل (406)، ومسند أحمد (4/224)، والترمذي.
(10) "سنن النسائي" كتاب الطهارة (5)، و "سنن ابن ماجه"، كتاب الطهارة (289)، و "مسند أحمد" (1/3، 2/108).
(11) "صحيح البخاري"، كتاب استتابة المرتدين (6927)، وصحيح مسلم، كتاب البر والصلة (6693).
(12) "صحيح مسلم"، كتاب الصلاة (487).
(13) "سنن أبي داود"، كتاب الأدب (4806)، و "مسند أحمد" (4/24، 25).
(914) "صحيح البخاري"، كتاب الطب (5742)، ومسلم، كتاب الطب (2191).
(15) "صحيح مسلم"، كتاب الزكاة (1015).
(16) "سنن أبي داود"، أبواب الإجارة (3451)، و "سنن ابن ماجه"، كتاب التجارات (2200).
(17) "سنن أبي داود"، أبواب الإجارة (3451)، "سنن ابن ماجه"، كتاب التجارات (2200).
(18) "صحيح البخاري"ن كتاب التهجد (1120)، ومسلم، كتاب صلاة المسافرين (771).
(19) "صحيح البخاري"، كتاب التهجد (1120)، ومسلم، كتاب صلاة المسافرين (771).
(20) الطبراني في "الأوسط" وقال الهيثمي: رجاله ثقات.
(21) "صحيح البخاري"، كتاب الاعتصام (7292)، و "صحيح مسلم" (471).
(22) "سنن أبي داود"، كتاب الوتر (1495)، و "سنن الترمذي"، كتاب الدعوات (3544)، و "سنن النسائي"، كتاب السهو (1300)، و "سنن ابن ماجه"، كتاب الدعاء (3858)، و "مسند أحمد" (3/120).
(23) "صحيح البخاري"، كتاب الدعوات (6410)، ومسلم، كتاب الذكر (2677).
(24) سورة مريم، الآية: 47.
(25) علق فضيلة الشيخ المؤلف هنا بقوله: لم نذكر الأسماء المضافة مثل "رب العالمين، وعالم الغيب والشهادة، وبديع السموات والأرض". وهي كثيرة؛ لأنه لم يتبين لنا أنها مرادة، والعلم عند الله تعالى.

الفضيل بن عياض: لو كان لي دعوة ما جعلتها الا في السلطان

25-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
Follow-up to PalTalk Lectures
From Al-Qawaa?id Al-Muthlaa

?The math-hab of the Salaf and the imaams is to describe Allaah with what He describes himself with, and with what His Messenger (sallallaahu ?alayhe wa sallam) has described Him with, without tahreef (perverting the texts), or ta?teel (denying their meanings), or takyeef (seeking after their specific details), or tamtheel (likening Allaah to His Creation)?and the math-hab of the Salaf is between two math-habs, guidance between two strayings, and that is the affirmation of the Attributes along with the negation of any similarity between Allaah and His Creation. So the statement of Allaah, ( Laysa kamithlihi shay?un ) is a refutation of the people of tash-beeh and tamtheel; and His Statement, ( and He is As-Samee?, Al-Baseer ), is a refutation of the people of negation and ta?teel. So the Mumath-thil is blind at night, and the Mu?at-til is blind in the day; the Mumath-thil worships an (physical) idol, and the mu?at-til worships nothingness.?

- Shaykh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah from his Fataawaa (5/195-196)

Unanswered Questions

Regarding the recent lectures from the book, Al-Qawaa'id Al-Muthlaa, a number of questions were asked that were not answered, except with ?Allaah knows best.? Some of them are answered below, and the others will be posed to the scholars, in shaa? Allaah.

Q: Regarding Allaah?s Statement ( Laysa kamithlihi shay?un ) [Shooraa:11], doesn?t the phrase ?kamithlihi? with the kaaf and the word ?mithl? show severe emphasis (tawkeed)?

A: Yes, this was mentioned by At-Tabaree and Al-Qurtubee in their books of tafseer. Some scholars held that the linguistic origin of the sentence was ?laysa mithlahu shay?un? and that the kaaf is zaa?idah (additional). This was the position of Ibn An-Nuhaas in his I?raab of the Qur?aan. Others held that the linguistic origin is ?laysa (Allaahu) kashay?in? and that the word ?mithl? is zaa?idah. Al-Qurtubee mentions both of these positions.

And it is VERY important to note here that their reference to words or letters being zaa?idah, is of course from a purely linguistic standpoint, as there are no ?additional? letters or words in the Qur?aan, as it is all from the perfect speech of our Lord. To claim that in the Book of Allaah there are extra or excess letters, or additional or superfluous ones, is a claim that Allaah?s Speech is deficient, as it has unnecessary additions. So please understand this, and Allaah knows best.

Q: What is the proof for Shaykh Ibn ?Uthaymeen?s statement that the Speech of Allaah is from the THAATIYYAH (permanent, continuous) Attributes of Allaah? He mentioned proof that it is from His FI?LIYYAH (chosen) Attributes, but he did not mention any proof for it being THAATIYYAH.

A: The questioner is referring to the statement of Imaam Ibn ?Uthaymeen, ?As for the essence of His Speech, then it is something that is a permanent, continuous Attribute, since Allaah the Exalted has not ceased, nor will He cease speaking.? [Al-Qawaa?id Al-Muthlaa, p.63]

True, he did not mention a proof for this here, may Allaah have Mercy on him. Shaykh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said:

Verily the Salaf and the imaams of the Sunnah
and Hadeeth say, ?He (Allaah) speaks according
to His Will and Limitless Capability, and His
Speech is not a created thing, rather it is a
permanent Attribute of His Thaat (Actual Presence).?

And from those who mentioned this position from
the imaams of the Sunnah, Aboo ?Abdillaah ibn
Mandah, Aboo ?Abdillaah ibn Haamid, Aboo Bakr
?Abdul-?Azeez, Aboo Ismaa?eel Al-Ansaaree, and
others. Likewise, Aboo ?Umar Ibn ?Abdil-Barr
mentioned something similar in Al-Istiwaa.

Furthermore, the imaams of the Sunnah, like
?Abdullaah ibn Al-Mubaarak, Ahmad ibn Hambal,
Al-Bukhaaree, ?Uthmaan ibn Sa?eed Ad-Daarimee,
and an innumerable number of others, like what
was mentioned by Harb ibn Ismaa?eel
Al-Karmaanee from Sa?eed ibn Mansoor, Ahmad
ibn Hambal, Ishaaq ibn Ibraaheem, and the rest of
Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Hadeeth, they were all in
agreement that He (Allaah) speaks according to His
Will, and that He does not cease speaking, whenever
He likes, and however He likes. [Al-Fataawaa 6/218]


When I was explaining the difference between tamtheel and tash-beeh in the lecture about the Attributes, I mistakenly explained the difference as that which is between tamtheel and takyeef. This was clarified later in the lecture, but for fear that some may have missed the clarification, let me repeat the answer, as stated by Shaykh Ibn ?Uthaymeen:

?One may differentiate between tamtheel and tash-beeh by saying that tamtheel is total similarity in all attributes, while tash-beeh is a similarity based on most, but not all, attributes.? [Al-Qawaa?id Al-Muthlaa, p.65]

Related Articles on the Internet

Firstly, TROID has translated some sections from the book we were studying from, Al-Qawaa?id Al-Muthlaa, and their work is available as an e-book:

They are also planning on publishing this book in its entirety very soon. As for other articles available that are related to the Names and Attributes of Allaah, then we have compiled the following list, hoping that you will take the time to read some or all of the links below:

The Names and Attributes of Allaah
Shaykh Bin Baaz

How to Believe in the Attributes of Allaah
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

General Principles Regarding Allaah's Attributes
Alawee ibn `Abdil-Qaadir as-Saqqaaf

And also there is a printed book available on the subject available:

The Names & Attributes of Allaah

I hope this follow-up information has been beneficial. May Allaah reward you.

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

28-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 208
Joined: Aug 2002
Our noble brother Abu Talha Dawud حفظه الله also has two tapes where he eplained the meanings of all the names listed by shaikh Uthaymeen رحمة الله عليه  Where he researched through a number of books to find the best meaning for each name. please purchase as they are pricless for the non arab speaker!!!

و الله أعلم

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