Topic: Muhammed Al Shareef?

Shabina.Khan    -- 17-11-2005 @ 3:26 AM
  Assalamu 3alaykum wa rahmatu Allaahi wa baraakatu

Dear brothers and sisters,

There is an individual who is well known in Canada and which many of the Muslim youth flock to. His name is Muhammad al-Shareef and he is the founder of the al-Maghrib institute. Alhamdullilaah, I understand that this is someone we do not take from, but what proofs are there for those who are not clear? There are those who'll say that he's says that he's salafee and attended Madinah University? How do we answer these individuals? BaraakAllaahu feekum.

Umm Du'aa min Toronto, Canada

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 17-11-2005 @ 2:34 PM
  wa 'alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

Here are some previous links which mention this name, hope they are useful.


إبراهيم  البخاري
Ibrahim Bukhari
Ibn Sharefah Abdul-Qawiyy al-Michiganee

This message was edited by ibrahim.bukhari on 11-17-05 @ 5:34 PM

Shabina.Khan    -- 18-11-2005 @ 3:10 AM
  Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

BaraakAllaahu feek for the links. I am already familiar with these postings, but there seem to be a number of individuals mentioned. And the little that is mentioned about him are not supported by daleel. What are the proofs against Muhammad al-Shareef (from al-Maghrib institute) and the other individuals who teach alongside him (ie. Yasser Birjas etc.)? I need the proofs so I can warn fellow Muslims who are rather fond of his teachings. May Allaah protect us and guide us. Aameen. Jazakumullaah khairun.

BaraakAllaahu feekum jamee'an
wassalamu 'alaykum
umm Du'aa min Toronto, Canada

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