Topic: "I am as My slave thinks of Me"

zejd.peqin    -- 01-05-2011 @ 11:28 AM
  pearls of benefit


Allaah will be as His slaveýs good thoughts of Him
Posted on April 28, 2011 by asaheeha
Source: Sunan at-Tirmithee, Kitaabu z-Zuhd & Kitaabu d-Dawaat; tape no. 259/19 & tape no. 393/14

    Allaah says:I am as My slave thinks of Me ~ Saheeh al-Bukhaari #7405

Shaykh Abd ul-Muhsin al-Abbaad (hafidhahullaah) comments:

ýMeaning, a person should think good of his Lord, and he hopes and expects from Allaah that He will make his wish come true for him; and he should not be heedless or negligent or say ýI called upon Him but He did not answer me,ý but rather he should have good thoughts of Allaah, ýazza wa jal, and be persistent in supplicating to Him; he should not be lazy nor heedless. And Allaah, taýaala, loves for His slaves to supplicate to Him, because duýaa is worship.

Thinking good of Allaah, ýazza wa jal, is that a person asks Allaah, ýazza wa jal, while hoping and expecting that Allaah, ýazza wa jal, will answer him. So when he asks Allaah, ýazza wa jal, he has good thoughts of Him, subhaanahu wa taýaala. It does not come to his mind that He will not answer him, that He will not fulfill his wish; but rather, he should be sincere in his request and know that Allaah will be as His slaveýs good thoughts of Him. So a person should ask Allaah, ýazza wa jal, and be sincere and firm in asking; and he does not become doubtful or say ýI will not be forgiven, but rather he should hope and expect that Allaah, ýazza wa jal, will forgive him. And he should ask with sincerity and know that Allaah, taýaala, responds to the supplication of the supplicant when he calls upon Him, and that He forgives the one who seeks His forgiveness. So he asks Allaah, ýazza wa jal, persistently, and he has good thoughts of Allaah, subhaanahu wa taýaala.ý

asaheeha translations

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