Topic: Do we owe Allah 360 sudukah's daily?    -- 18-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  As-Salaam Alaikum Jami'aan,

A narration was brought fourth and was noted that it's in Muslim, that for every limb we owe Allah, and these debts per limb add to 360 sadakaat. Is this the haqq? Also, if you do not repay this sudukah to Allah by reciting Suphan'Allah, wal'Hamdu'li'Llah, wa'Allahu' Akbar or Le'Illaha Eel'Allah Muhammadur'Rasulu'Llah, or by making salaatul'Duhaa, or by doing good deeds that add up to 360 daily, the remainder carries over to the next day, and the next day, for every day you do not repay Allah, it accumulates. Again, is this the Haqq? Please post the hadith and which book of authentic ahadith it's in if it's the Haqq?

Baarak-Allaahu Feekum - wa sal-Allaahu wa-sallam 'alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad,
was-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuh.

Abu' Salafi'ayn
-From As-Salafiyoon in Columbus-

This message was edited by on 12-18-02 @ 4:39 AM

iamasalafi    -- 18-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
Talq ibn Habeeb said:

((Indeed the rights of Allaah are far greater than the servant can fulfill, and indeed the blessings of Allaah are far more than can be counted, however, be repentful in the morning and evening (i.e. throughout the day)))

Siyar A?laam an-Nubalaa. ? Volume 4, Page 622

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