Topic: Kuffar or Disbelievers?

NiqabiG    -- 17-07-2009 @ 12:51 AM
  Assalaam waliekum.
Are Muslims allowed to call the kuffar "disbelievers"? Some of the Muslim sisters I talk to call the kuffar "disbelievers" and I tell them not to call them that. Im not siding with the kuffar but b/c the judgement of calling the kuffar "disbeliever" is not mine to make. Personally I think I would just call them kuffar b/c Allah SWT is the only One who knows who is a believer and who is disbeliever. Also even the Muslims dont know what they are going to wake up as Muslims in the morning.
However I could be wrong so I would really like some input on this issue.
Thank you.    

Moosaa    -- 13-08-2009 @ 1:09 AM
  wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaah...

I believe the word "disbelievers" is a widely used and accepted translation of the meaning of the Arabic " ııııııı ".  Are you suggesting another translation?

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In Arabic it is said that someone "kafara billaah" so he is a kaafir, one of the kuffaar.  It means that he has disbelieved in Allaah, rejected Him, refused to believe in Him, etc.  So I think the word disbeliever is an appropriate translation of its meaning, and Allaah knows best.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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yasin3683    -- 13-08-2009 @ 6:09 AM
  Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah

The Ruling of the Person who does Not declare the Kufr of a Disbeliever

And whoever does not declare the person whose disbelief is firmly established to be a disbeliever, then he himself is a disbeliever.

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.  

Moosaa    -- 16-08-2009 @ 4:32 PM
  I think the sister has already called them kuffaar clearly, but she has a problem with the word "disbelievers" in English.  We are still waiting for her to respond, but I think it is clear that she has called them kuffaar in her first post.  So I really don't see how that relates here.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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NiqabiG    -- 18-03-2010 @ 8:52 PM
  Assalaam waliekum,

I'm very sorry, my Internet was out for a while.
I have some understanding of the meaning of the word, "kuffar" and I do see Non-Muslims as kuffars, however I didnt know that we, the Muslims, could just outwardly call someone else a "disbeliever".
Now I know that it's different when that person blatantly declares themselves as an atheist or polytheist, as to not believing in Allah SWT and the other Parts of Faiths (the Messangers, the Books, His Will (good or bad) etc, then I have no choice b/c they declared themselves so. Yet Im talking about ppl who have not declared themselves to be like that and whom I dont know that well.
Do I make sense now?
However, Im still looking for input on the matter.

Salafi-Markaz.Manch.    -- 21-03-2010 @ 11:59 AM

Jazaakumullaahu khayran.  This is a good discussion.  As you are looking for more input in this affair, perhaps this would be beneficial and Allaah Kniows best.  It is just an additional information and not a reply to anyone's previous posts.

see the 7th, 8th and 9th post on the following thread: | [url=][/url]

The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street

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