Topic: Sacred Freedom - now with Qur'anic Recitation!!!

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 29-05-2009 @ 10:34 PM
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ıııııı ııııı ııııı ıııı ııııııı

The fascinating book "Sacred Freedom: Western Liberalist Ideologies In The Light Of Islam" by Haneef Oliver is now embedded with recitation of the ayaat of the Noble Qur'an. Just click on the ayaah to listen to the recitation.

You can download this FREE approved pdf by clicking [url=]here[/url].

To read the excellent reviews of the book by an Islamic Scholar(
Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool) and the International Media click

The following are some important topics discussed in the book:-

[url=]Why Do Muslims Reject Atheism?[/url]
[url=]Why Do Muslims Reject Worshipping Others Along With God?[/url]
[url=]Can Mankind Rightfully Formulate Their Own Religion?[/url]
[url=]How Does Islam Enlighten People?[/url]
[url=]Is Islam a Regressive Religion and Way of Life?[/url]
[url=]Understanding Freedom, Diversity and Tolerance[/url]
[url=]Is Democracy the Answer to Mankind's Woes?[/url]
[url=]Is Secularism a Sound Ideology?[/url]
[url=]The Consequences of Following Incorrect Beliefs and False Ideologies[/url]

In case you wish to buy the hard-copy of the book please click [url=]here[/url] or [url=]here[/url] or you may buy it from any bookstore including depending on availability.

And finally, don't forget to let others know about this book - particularly your non-Muslim contacts.

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