Topic: Eid prayer in Birmingham

ummulwallad    -- 06-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Asalam ualakium
eid preyer in the park was massive as usual things were delayed a little but other then that it was proper Allah is trully great Birmingham is a good city to be in (other than islamic countrys) again advise from me if you live in England then get to an islamic plaice if not come to brum as i have !!!!!!!!!

This message was edited by Admin on 12-12-02 @ 6:39 PM

rickg    -- 12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
I would also recommend that the brothers and sisters get hold of the tape of the Eid Khutbah when it is available from the bookstore. Masha'Allah, our beloved brother, Abu Hakeem, gave a beautiful khutbah.

fath.ul-majeed    -- 12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

Jazaaka Allaahu khairan wa ahsan jazaa to our noble brother Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis for delivering this beautiful khutbah. A suggestion for admin at SP; maybe one of the brothers can take some time out and play the tape on PalTalk for the benefit of the brothers in the states and elsewhere.

Yusof al-Amriki

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