Topic: Explenation of what happened in Makkah by the Students of Shaykh al-Albanee

salafi_i_am    -- 04-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Contents of this post removed for reasons:

1. The translator is Dajjaal, Kadhhaab, Affaak. He is Abdul-Qadir Baksh known as Abu Saifillah. Refer to what the brothers at Spubs have written about him and his games.

2. The viewpoint of the Shaikhs that Abul-Hasan al-Maribi remains within Ahl us-Sunnah and a good Shaikh, and some of the information contained in this bayaan, such as the claim the Abul-Hasan not differing with the bayaan except in wording only is not accepted by the major scholars such as Shaikh Rabee, Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmee, Shaikh Ubaid, Shaikh Zaid al-Madkhalee and others, all of whom have a Jarh Mufassar and who hold him to be an innovator.

3. Abul-Hasan has written another bayaan on top of this bayaan to make even more confusion and to deceive the people even more.

4. We request some of the students of knowledge to contact the Shaikhs like Shaikh Rabee' and Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmee and Shaikh Ubaid and others to see if the likes of this speech is befitting to be spread. Whereas we know that those who are spreading it like this Abu Saifillah are people of desires and who are staunch defenders of Abul-Hasan and who have attacked our Salafi brothers.

This message was edited by Admin on 12-4-02 @ 10:24 AM

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