Topic: Looking for Accomodation near Masjid As-Salafi Birmingham

fafiq    -- 08-03-2009 @ 12:11 AM
  Assalaamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,

Dear Brothers, my name is Abu Muhammad Indra Widiarto bin Muhidin from Jakarta, Indonesia. Insha Allah, I will be sent to study in University of Birmingham in September 2009. Insha Allah I will bring my family over to Birmingham. I am looking for a 2-bedroom apartment/house near the Salafi Masjid in Birmingham so that our family can still be close to da'wah in UK. Insha Allah I would also want to enroll my sons to Salafi Independent School if there is still places available.

Could anybody please inform me if there is any decent furnished apartment/house within walking distance to the Salafi Masjid available for rent in September 2009?

Moreover, could anybody inform me whether there is a ta'leem class for ladies in the ladies section of the Salafi Masjid please?

Jazakumullaahu khairan katsira,

Wassalaamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh

Abu Muhammad Indra Widiarto bin Muhyiddin

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