Topic: Important Misc Questions!!!!

Abu-Hanaa'    -- 04-02-2009 @ 10:03 PM
  Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Please can anyone advise the following:

1) What is the position of one seeking repentance if they are terminally Ill?  Is repentance stopped due to this or is it a case that repentance maybe granted, if Allah wills - up until the soul reaches the collar bone?


3) What is the position of the Sharee'ah if one tries to seek Ilm through books and audio lectures yet one's parents disapproves of this because they are of a different aqeedah - and they prefer one to read novels, newspapers instead and encourage that instead. Is it obligatory to seek knowledge or is it obligatory to obey ones parents in this affair? Please note that the parents angle is to prevent seeking knowledge from Ahl us Sunnah and discourage learning in order that one reads the texts or Ahl ul Biddah instead.

4) What is the position of referring to some of the duaat of the west as deviants (from Ahl ul Biddah) through ones own experience of dealing with them or is this labelling similar to making takfeer of someone and thus requires the Scholars to make this judgement before we do?

5) Is it permissible to listen to the recitation of the Qur'an of someone who is from Ahl ul Biddah, however the individual himself reciting may be jaahil in the affairs of aqeedah and Manhaj. (Aware of the incident of Muhammad bin Sireen - however, emphasis of this question is on the fact that the recitor himself is jaahil)

Apologies for the extended questions however, they are interesting and would prove beneficial to readers alike.

Wa jazakAllah Khair wa salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

Abu Hanaa'

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