Topic: Da3wa Newcastle

AbdMalikFR    -- 10-01-2009 @ 7:06 PM
  As Salamu Alaikum,

I'm considering relocating to Newcastle, but need some information and
direction in regards to where I should be thinking about (i.e. what cities
should I stay away from and what cities should I consider looking into?)

I'm looking for a Salafi Community where there will be classes for women as well as for children.

Abdel Malik

msaqib2    -- 19-01-2009 @ 11:02 PM
As-Salaamu AlaiKum,

I think Abu Iyaad holds regular study circles in the city of Middlesbrough (but this is about 1 hour drive away from Newscastle).
He is on SalafiTalk, try asking him for more details.

Maybe this helps?

Wa-AlaiKum As-Salaam

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