Topic: Economic crisis is a result of ignoring Allah's rules

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 10-12-2008 @ 1:02 AM
  Excerpts from the Arafat khutbah of Mufti Shaykh Abdul Aziz Aal Shaykh hafithahullah as reported at§ion=0&article=117078&d=8&m=12&y=2008

In a sermon in the middle of the day when the pilgrims joined in a collective prayer at the Namirah Mosque in Arafat, Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh said the global financial crisis springs from ignoring the Shariah rules and practicing usury (riba) that is prohibited in Islam.

ýToday we watch as this financial crisis unfolds and some companies and banks go bankrupt. This is the result of ignoring Godýs rules. Muslims must abide by Godýs rules, and build their economies accordingly,ý Al-Asheikh told the worshippers.

Islam has laid down the basis of economic security through economic principles far away from injustice and usury, Al-Asheikh stressed.

After stressing the importance of following the true faith, Al-Asheikh also emphasized the need for believing other messengers of God. ýWhoever does not believe in the messages of the Prophets Jesus and Moses, peace be upon them, is considered an infidel,ý Al-Asheikh said.

The grand mufti also called on the Muslim world to unite in the face of terrorism to preserve their stability. ýThe Ummah is targeted by enemies who are keen on weakening it through creation of conflicts and disputes,ý the grand mufti said.

He also demanded the security of maritime trade and the need for keeping seas safe from pirates. ýWe must be cautious of terrorism and fight hostile criminal gangs that destroy countries and people,ý he added.

The grand mufti also stressed the need for obeying and supporting a ruler and government and opposing those who have scant regard for the lives, property and honor of people.

He also emphasized the need for intellectual security and protection from extremist, deviant, terrorist and extremist ideologies.

He lashed out at the electronic media that spread lurid and immoral ideas aimed at destabilizing the moral integrity of youth in general.

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