Topic: Burial shroud of the Muslim Female

QueenKhali    -- 11-11-2008 @ 12:46 AM
  As salaamu alaikum , can anyone please advise me on the proper burial shroud for the Muslimah according to the sunnah of Allaah's Messenger salalahu alaihi was salaam.  Some have said that her shroud consists of three pieces and others say that it is five pieces.  Please advise so that we will shroud as the salaf shrouded and give correct final ghusl to our sister.  Also who is best from among the muslims to perform the ghusl for janazah?  Shukran in advance.TextText

Islaam is the Sunnah and the Sunnah is Islaam and one cannot exist without the other.

AbuShereen    -- 09-12-2008 @ 9:16 PM
  A'ishah (radyallahu anha) reported:

"Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was shrouded in three white cotton Yemeni sheets from Sahul (an area in Yemen).  None of them was a shirt or a turban.  He was simply put over (and wrapped in) them."

(Abu Dawood, Ibn Hibban, and others.  Verified to be authentic by al-Albani (as-Sahihah #1671)).

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