UmmAbdulRahman    -- 22-09-2008 @ 1:45 PM

I have been having really weird dreams after salat al Fajr. I am specially worried because is Ramadhan and I wonder why am I having them.
They are dreams about mixed past affairs, or sometimes, as I was watching a film Subhana'Allaah. I dream a lot about my past life as kuffar and other bad things.

I am at home most of my time, I pray on time, I pray in the last third of the night, I read ayatul al kursi after sleeping and other duaas (but when I read more duaas I tend to have less), I have been improving my ibadah during this Ramadhan... so why do I have bad dreams?

I also had bad dreams before Fajr this Ramadhan, and I am sure these were from Shaytaan,why is that? I heard that Shaytaan is chained during Ramadhan but it has some authority over the people who are not righteous. Does it mean I am bad??? I am worried about this, please help anybody

Jazakallahu khairan

wasim.ahmed    -- 22-09-2008 @ 8:02 PM
  Wa 'alaikum assalaam,

Please see the following link for the explanation of Shayaateen being locked up in Ramadhaan.

BaarakAllahu feek.

salafideen    -- 22-09-2008 @ 10:49 PM
  Asalamo alaikom wr wb

Dear respected,

Good dreams are from Allah and bad dreams are from shaytan.I would advice you to not mention your bad dreams to anyone (if you dont mention your dreams, then it will not harm you )and when you awaken from these bad dreams, just say A'udhu billuhi mina'shaytann'rajeem, and then spit lightly on your left side shoulder, this is in hadith (sahih al-bukhari) and about you not being sure if you are rightous or not, then this is only the unseen, Allah (Subhana'wata'ala) mentions in the Quran that no one knows of the reward that is awaiting for them because of their worship, even the rightous servants have doubts, and continously make toubah (repentance)

ws wr wb


UmmAbdulRahman    -- 23-09-2008 @ 7:17 PM
  Jazzkallahu Khairan for the answers, Mashaa Allaah

Umm.Jamila.Hibo    -- 24-09-2008 @ 8:13 PM
as'salamu alaykum wa rahamtullah

i just wanted to remind you that its not allowed to shorten the salams (yanni ws wr wb),

barak'Allaahu feek
as'salamu alaykum

umar used to say remember the hellfire much, for its heat is scorching, its depth bottomless and its hooked rods are of iron.

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