Topic: The Prohibition of mixing Truth with Falsehood and Hiding the Truth

masjidsiddeeq    -- 10-03-2008 @ 3:32 AM
  Al-Imaam 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin Naasir as-Sa'dee on the saying of Allaah "And do not mix the Truth (al-Haqq) with falsehood (baatil),
and do not conceal the Truth while you know." [Sooratul-Baqarah

Translated by Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher

Ash-Shaykh as-Sa'dee said: "walaa talbisoo" meaning "mix", "al haqqa bil baatili wa taktumoonal haqqa" - The Truth and falsehood and do [not] conceal the Truth".  

So He forbade them from 2 things; from mixing Haqq with baatil, and concealing the Haqq, because the intent from the People of the Book and 'Ilm is distinguishing the Haqq, and making manifest the Haqq, to guide by that those who are guided, and to return those who are misguided, and to establish the proof against the stubborn, obstinate ones, because Allaah explained His aayaat, and clarified His evidences, to distinguish Haqq from baatil, and to make clear the path of the muhtadeen (those who are guided) from the path of the mujrimeen (criminals). So whoever acts with that from the People of Knowledge, then he is from the khulafaa' of the Messengers and the guides of the nations. And whoever mixes Haqq with baatil, then he hasn't distinguished this from this, along with his knowledge of that, and conceals the Haqq that he knows, and has been commanded with making it apparent, then he is from the du'aat (callers) of Jahannam, because the people do not follow in the affairs of their Deen other than their 'Ulamaa', so choose for yourselves one of these 2 situations [1]."

1 Meaning: be a caller who clarifies Truth from falsehood who is from the khulafaa' of the Messengers and guides of the nations, or a caller to Jahannam [TN]

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Decatur, GA  30032

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