Topic: Thinking of opening new Masjid, need advice

AbdulMuhsee    -- 23-02-2008 @ 4:19 PM
  The city in which I love has only one masjid that is controlled by people who have weak eeman and fear of the kuffar, so much that they refuse to call the adhan out loud of fear of disturbing them, and even inviting the prominent among them (mayor, ect.) to speak after the 'eid prayer.  They hang pictures of their schoolchildren on the wall and after Jumu'ah, the men and women crowd the halls together, rubbing shoulders like bears during mating season.  The Imam has also shown himself to be a liar on many occassions, inly upholding the truth if it agrees with his aims.  Almost all of the Salafis have moved from this locality except for 3 or 4 (maximum) because of this ridiculous state of affairs.  Another joke of a masjid has also opened now that is based upon black cultural ties and seems to be associated with 'nation of Islam.'  Since me and the other few are going to be trapped in this city for a time, we thought about all contributing to rent a location in which we can establish a proper masjid in calling to the Book and the Sunnah and calling back the people who have moved to help establish and spread proper Islam.  In this situation, is it better to open this masjid to try to establish Islam here or to just wait and move like the rest?

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