Topic: Imaam Needed at Oxford, Mississippi

dksadiq    -- 25-12-2007 @ 12:35 AM
  as-salaamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

Imaam Needed at Oxford, Mississippi

The Muslim community of Oxford, Mississippi is a small one with one salafi (me) as far as I know. Oxford itself is a small University town (it's where the University of Mississippi is located).

Alhamdulillahi, we have a prayer room on the campus and a Masjid about 5 minutes drive from the campus but the Masjid has no imaam.

Like I mentioned earlier, as far as I know, I am the only Salafi over here and I am hoping a knowledgeable Salafi brother can come, help establish the salaat (most brothers don't attend salaat, I'm hoping more would if we have an Imaam), guide the brothers over here, and teach us the deen, insha Allah.

I should also mention that, from my discussion with some of the brothers here, it seems that funds to pay the imaam are limited.

I'll appreciate all help and advice on this matter.

JazakumAllahu khayran wa baarakAllahu feekum

[edited by admin]

dksadiq    -- 27-12-2007 @ 4:44 PM
  as-salaamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,

I think I should also add that, to the best of my knowledge, most of the brothers here are somewhat affiliated to the University (either as a student, faculty member, staff, etc) and they are mostly from the Arab countries and the Indian Subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh). [So, a brother who is fluent in both and Arabic & English would be more suitable, wa Allah 'alam.] But most seem to take the religion lightly, wa Allahu musta'aan.

Like I mentioned earlier, I'll appreciate advice and help on this issue especially from students of knowledge and anyone who may know a brother that may be willing & able to take up this position.

JazakumAllahu khayran wa baarakAllahu feekum,

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