Topic: Compilation of Hadith

Saddat    -- 20-06-2007 @ 5:08 AM
  Assalamualikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu


While discussing with one regarding urgency of following Authentic Hadith, he replies that the authenticity that we talk about is the authenticity of Isnad, Chain of Narrations. He argued that it might be the case that the chain of narration is weak, but the wordings itself is not weak, rather authentic.

What could be best answer for it?

Allahu Alam, my understanding is that,
i) if the content matches with the authentic narration, no question arises.
ii)but if the content contradics we have to follow the authentic one.

My another query is that if no relation (similarity or cotradiction) is found, then what is the rulling regarding Hadith.

Again, Is there any possiblity that we miss out the advice from the narration due to weakness in isnad though the wordings are authentic? If this is the case, that will it be sin for us for not following / admitting the Hadith though conveyed to us.

I want sincere advice on it, being a beginner.


sajid_chauhan_81    -- 21-06-2007 @ 3:18 PM
  Wa alaykumus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh akhee,

Please read this wonderful article on troid

It answers the question that weak ahadeeth have no place in Islaam. As you said, if the meaning of an ahadeeth is weak then obviously it is rejected.

If the isnaad is weak, but the meaning is correct then what do we do? The first question is, how do we know the meaning is correct or not? It is throught the Qur'aan and other saheeh ahadeeth. Hence, these Qur'aanic ayaat and saheeh ahadeeth are sufficient and we don't need to use the ahadeeth which have a weak chain by themselves. They can be used as a supporting argument with other authentic ahadeeth and it needs to be mentioned explicitly while quoting these ahadeeth that they have a weak chain.

This is what I know and Allaahu aalam.

BarakAllaahu feekum,
wa salaamu alaykum,
Sajid Chauhan al hindee.
Groton, CT.

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