Topic: Audio: Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee's lectures in Kuwait

aboo.sufyaan    -- 11-09-2006 @ 1:43 PM

The following are links to 2 lectures delivered by ash-Shaykh (Dr.) Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee حفظه الله from his recent visit to Kuwait.

1- a sitting with the Shaykh, Thursday 30th of Rajab 1427H, entitled ( لقاء بعد غياب تسع سنوات )in a beach house in Khayran (Southern Kuwait).
Shaykh Muhammad al-'Anjaree and Shaykh Muhammad bin Ramazaan al-Haajiree were both in attendance. This file can be downloaded here

2- a lecture entitled ( تحذير السلفين من الاعيب المتلونين ) delivered by the Shaykh in Jahra, Jumu'ah, 1st of Sha'baan, 1427H. Download it  [url= en-%20s.mohamedben%20hadi.mp3]here[/url].

May Allaah reward Shaykh Muhammad al-'Anjaree for arranging this visit and place it in his scale of good deeds, and may He reward our Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaykh Muhammad bin Ramazaan for taking the time to visit the Salafees in Kuwait and benefiting us all.

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

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