Topic: Question on the Hereafter

ilyas.abu.ameenah    -- 13-08-2006 @ 11:03 AM
  As selam aleykum,

a brother had a Question, but I canīt gave him a answer to this.

Maybe can someone help me to answer this Question from this Brother:

The Question is:

The Muslims are promised heaven after judgment day. Some will enter heaven directly while others will go to hell first and then be saved from hell and be sent to heaven. Eventually, there will not be a single Muslim residing in hell. The kuffar on the other hand are promised to live an eternal life in hell and will never be saved from it. What I am finding it hard to understand is the fact that a Muslim doesn't choose to born as a Muslim and a Kaffir doesn't choose to born as a kafir. Therefore, I want to know why the Muslim will enter heaven (even if he will suffer in hell first) although he didn't decide to born as a Muslim and maybe during his life he did all the sins that a person can imagine, while the kaffir will perish in hell forever (although he didn't decide to born as a kaffir)?

Inshallah can you help me in this, jazakallahu khairan.

As selam aleykum.

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