Topic: RE: Salafi Professionals

Abu.AbdilHameed    -- 15-11-2005 @ 4:57 PM
  Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

I though it would be a good idea, if someone
hasn't though of it already, to compile a list of
contact information for salafi professionals
(engineers, doctors, etc.) probably
both in and outside the U.S. because you never
know, both men and women, that may proove
to be useful for possible partnerships, hijra,
employment, and actually using their services.

I would appreciate some brainstorming with regards
to this topic.  

Also, if you would like to start sending some
contact information or you have any questions
you can do so at this post, as I will verify
and compile all the information inshallah.

Barkallahu feekum
و صلى الله و سلم على نبينى محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم

Rajaey ibn AbdilHameed ibn Qaasid al Phalastinee

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