Topic: Alminarah-Light House Books Grand Opening

umm.abdulmalik    -- 15-06-2005 @ 10:25 PM
  Assalaamu Alaikum  

The Salafi Society of the District of Columbia (Masjid Ahlul Qurân Wal Hadeeth) receives 10% of all proceeds.

- Grand Opening!

  • Largest Selection of Salafi Books in the Arabic Language in North America
  • Some of the lowest prices available anywhere online
  • Expanding Book Inventory
  • Thobes & Oils coming soon
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

We are inviting you to a knowledge based Daw'ah. We at [url=]Alminarah - Lighthouse Books[/url] by the grace of Allah azza wa jalla bring to you authentic books, articles and statements from the Scholars with the intention of aiding you to better understand your religion.

Al -Bukhaaree may Allah have mercy upon him, said: "Chapter: Knowledge precedes speech and action, and the proofs is the saying of Allah, the Most High, "Know that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, and ask forgiveness of your Lord for your sins." (Soorah Muhammad/Ayat 19). Furthermore, it is written " Are those who know equal to those who know not?" (Soorah Az-Zumar/Ayat)

Knowledge of Allah, his Prophet, and the religion of Islam is obligatory upon us. (Three Fundamental Principles) Why, because "It is only those who have knowledge among his slaves that fear Allah..." (Soorah Fatir/Ayat28)

[url=]Alminarah - Lighthouse Books[/url]

[url=]The Salafi Society of the District of Columbia[/url]

[]Markaz ibn Abdul Wahhab[/url]

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