Topic: Something for the Conference

yusuf.shamsiddeen    -- 14-06-2005 @ 10:20 PM
  As-salaam Alakum

As everyone is aware of the summer is approaching, which also contains many conferences.
Firstly, May Allah reward the brothers and Sisters that help facilitate this great task of supporting and dispersing the Dawah by these most beneficial events and its likes. Which connects the people to those of knowldege and their students. Ameen.

As everyone should know it take a lot of effort, money and time to put on an event especially when there are only few people that make themselves available to assist. Wallahu Mustaain. However I wanted to throw out a few words of advise or a reminder for those in charge of the conferences.
And that is; many people come from all over to benefit from the conferences. As an example, last year this time at the conference in NJ  I met brothers that came from Belieze, California, Florida and other places. So as you can see people have come from far, spent lots of money, taken off work etc.
With that please make all effort to organize well, make a full agenda of lectures/talks so  that we can make the most of our time present, and make room for the unexpected.  Like we all say "I want to get my moneies worth".  
Many of us dont have to opportunity to have duroos or students to help us along the way, and the conference may be some of the few means to gaing some beneficial knowledge. To many times at the conferences, hours have been wasted waiting for a talk to begin. For whatever reason Most conferences have a couple of speakers barakaallahu feekum, consider having a backup speaker if the schedule speaker is not available, or during the wait. Throw in time for Q & A or a brief talk while waiting for a telelink phone connection to connect to the Sheik or whatever it may be. Lets get rid of the wasted waiting time. The people came to benefit! Give them what they came for!

Don't cancell part of the agenda except that it is replaced by something else within the same time frame. This may be difficult at times but again many people are traveling from afar some local. But order, promptness etc is important. I find many people that have been upset due to these things and some dont even want to come to return to the conferences since it appears to be a bunch of chaos. I was at one conference and maybe 3 of the 5 talks were cancelled and the last too started after most people left since they were sick of waiting. And when asking those in charge whats the agenda, none of them knew. Now that was not acceptable. Wallahu Mustaain

These conference are loved because it give the person a chance to hear a reminder which may increase there Eman. It give the person a chance to meet others on this Dawah and see those whom we love for the sake of Allah. And many many other benefits.
So please dear brothers in Islam and Salafiyah take notice, re-double check your planning, have a backup plan, have replacement speakers (Not cancelling talks out), keep those assisting the event informed about whats happening and, give the people what they came for " As the show must go on" (just using the phrase, not saying the these knowledge based conferences is nothing but entertainment. If a the scheduled speaker didnt start within ten minutes start a Q & A with a back up speaker that is present in the room (not one that you have to go get out of his hotel room or from wherever) there and ready for such. etc

Lastly to all the residents to the Masajid or Dawah centers putting on the conference, Help out and stop sitting on the sidelines it takes a lot to put these events together so you should assist in that which your able to. Dont think your not needed, so get up and help!

Subhanaka allahum wa bi hamdika ashadu an la illaha illa and astgafiruka wa atubbu elaayke.

Abu AbdurRazzaq Yusuf Shamsid-Deen

Moosaa    -- 15-06-2005 @ 12:41 PM
  wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaah,

Excellent advice, may Allaah reward you well!

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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