Topic: Ansaar As Sunnah in Egypt

abul.harith.j    -- 30-05-2005 @ 7:46 PM
  As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

   I know everyone has read the post by Akh Abu Zeiad al Athary on who we should take ilm from in Egypt, now we know who but where are they as for Shaykh Hasan Al-Banna he resides near Tahreer in Cairo also Shaykh Abu 'Abdul A'ala Khalid he also was in Cairo and Shaykh Mahmood Lutfi 'Aamir he is in Damanhour which is half hour from Alexandria and One 1/2 hour from Cairo its a small town more like a modern village the name of the masjid is Masjid Ansaar As Sunnah as for Shaykh Abul Yameen Al-Mansoori and Shaykh S'ad Nidaa i do not know where but more then likely in either of those 2 cities.. Wa Wallahu 'Aalim

Abul Haarith Jamaal bin Luqmaan Aaal 'Abdulwahab Al- Masree

sameer.abdulkhaliq    -- 02-06-2005 @ 11:05 PM
  Wa alaykumus salam Rahmatullah

Shaykh Hasan Al-Banna Prays fajr in a masjid fi Madinatun Nasr Call Masjid Rahmah Its on a block called Mustafa Nahas down the Block From dar Salam Book Store (tell them your a Student Ask for A discount they'll give you Half off!!!insha'allah) and He teaches in Hoppolopious on thursdays between Margrib and Isha. I thought the name of the masjid was  Masjid Ansaar As Sunnah I'll find out to be sure, because its in Cairo not Far. Allah give us All Tawfeeq Ameen.

Abu Mustafa Sameer

yusuf.shamsiddeen    -- 04-06-2005 @ 2:03 PM
  As-salaam alkum

Yes the class where Shaykh Hassan al Bannah is doing the class is named Ansar Sunnah and its in Helopolis.  He has been going over Kitab At Tawheed. mashallah.

However they made an announcement this Thursday that the class will now be on Wenesday after Maghrib inshallah.

As-salaam alakum

Ya Abul Harith and Sameer please email me at

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