Topic: About Ghuloo

ilyas.abu.ameenah    -- 19-04-2005 @ 3:50 PM
  As selam aleykum ve rahmetullah.

A Warning Against The Evils Of Ghuloo & Extremism (SalafiAudio).

Abu Hakeem said in the Ders or Khutbah from 15:25 min. ? 16:05 min.:

?Whether that be Ghuloo concerning ourselves, Ghuloo concerning the Maktaba as-Salafiyyah, Ghuloo concerning the Masjid as-Salafee, or Ghuloo concerning certain Individuals from amongst the Callers, Ghuloo concerning Abu Hakeem, Ghuloo concerning anyone of the Individuals Ikhwaan that give Da´wah or Call, any type of Ghuloo we warn against that Ikhwaan, and we free ourselves from that, making that clear, that that Ghuloo is not in any way from the Manhaj Salafee that Ghuloo is not in any Way Ikhwaan from the Way of the Sahaba and the Way of the Pious Predesessors of this Ummah.? End of Quote.
Barakallahu fiqhum.

As selam aleykum.

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 19-04-2005 @ 6:03 PM
  wa alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barkaatuh

Here's the link to the entire audio:

A Warning Against the Evils of Ghuloo & Extremism by Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davis

Ibraheem Bukharee
Ibn Sharefah Abdul-Qawiyy al-Michiganee

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