Topic: Question about Sending Prayers upon the Prophet (sallAllaahu alaihi wa sallam)

Salwaa.Ahmad    -- 04-04-2005 @ 7:40 AM
  As Salaamu alaikum
Can someone tell me whether this is obligatory upon every dua'a we say?

Taken from the book "The Methodology of the Saved Sect" by Sheikh Jameel Zaynoo on pg. 165

Sending prayers upon the Prophet (sallAllaahu alaihi wa sallam) is desirable during supplication due to his saying:  "Every supplication is concealed until prayer is sent upon the Prophet." [Hasan Reported by Al-Baihaqi]

Salwaa Ahmad bint WilliamsText

Umm Daawood Salwaa Ahmad bint Ed Williams. Durham, NC USA.

Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah    -- 06-04-2005 @ 8:39 AM
Assalamualaykum warahmatuAllahi wabarakatuh

Abu Daawood reports the hadeeth of Fudaalah bin Ubaid that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) heard a man supplicating in prayer. He did not glorify Allaah and neither did he invoke blessings on the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam). The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) said, "he made haste." He then called him and said to him or to those around him, "If any one of you prays, he should commence by glorifying his Lord and praising Him; he should invoke peace and blessings on the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) and thereafter he should supplicate Allaah for anything he wishes."

Abu Daawood [Eng. Trans.1 / 390no.1476 ], at-Tirmidhee [no.3476 ], an-Nasaa`ee [3/44], Ahmad [6/18] and others with a hasan isnaad. Refer to the notes of F. Zamrali to 'at-Targheeb fee ad-Du`aa' [pg.11 ]


Blessings should be sent upon rasulullah salallahu alayhe wasallam before supplication and after praising Allaah.The second place is to send blessings upon him at the beginning of the du?a, in the middle and at the end.The third place is to send blessings upon him at the beginning and at the end, and to mention one?s need in the middle.?.

(Ibn Qayyim Al jawziyyah Jalaa? al-Afhaam, p.375 )

Rosinah Bint Mohamed
JB, Malaysia.

Salwaa.Ahmad    -- 07-04-2005 @ 5:36 AM
  as salaamu alaikum
Shukraan sister for this!
I was wanting to talk to you, I has seen your posts but didn't know how to get in touch with you.  If you could, could you please email me at insha'Allaah

Salwaa Ahmad bint Ed Williams. Durham, NC USA.

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