Topic: Can you name three Haashimiyyaat (women from Banee Haashim) who gave birth to babies who later became khaleefahs?

Moosaa    -- 31-03-2005 @ 10:12 AM
  One of them is easy to think of, another requires some thinking, and the third is difficult.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 01-04-2005 @ 2:50 PM

1) Fatimah bint Asad (mother of Ali)

2) Asma' Bint Abu Bakr Siddique (mother of Abdullaah Ibn az-Zubayer)

3) ????

Am I correct so far?

إبراهيم  البخاري
Ibraheem Bukharee
Ibn Sharefah Abdul-Qawiyy al-Michiganee

Lougain    -- 02-04-2005 @ 10:33 AM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

1. Fatimah Bint Asad, mother of the khalifa Ali Ibn Abi Talib, radiallaahu anhum ajmaeen.

2. Fatimah Bint Rasoolillaah, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, mother of the khalifa Al Hassan Ibn Ali (because he was given bayaa by the people after the death of Ali but later gave it to Muaawiyah), radiallaahu anhum ajmaeen.

3. Zubaydah the wife and paternal cousin of the khalifa Haroon al Rasheed. She was the mother of the abbaasee Khalifa Mohammed al Ameen), raheemahumullaah.

What is the name of the lady whose father, grandfather, husband and brothers were all khalifas?

Moosaa    -- 03-04-2005 @ 8:55 PM
  May Allaah reward Lougain and Ibrahim and increase them in goodness.

Ibn al-Atheer attributes the following statement to Ibn Shihaab az-Zuhree:

"She (Faatimah bint Asad, the mother of 'Alee) was the first Haashimiyyah to have a baby with a Haashimee (husband), and she was also the first Haashimiyyah to give birth to a khaleefah.

Then, after her, was Faatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) who gave birth to Hasan.

Then, Zubaydah, the wife of ar-Rasheed, gave birth to al-Ameen.  I do not know of any others..."

Usdul-Ghaabah 5/361 [al-Ma'rifah]

Lougain has answered correctly, may Allaah grant him success.[/color=red]

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 04-04-2005 @ 3:12 PM
  (smile)...   Ameen

إبراهيم  البخاري
Ibraheem Bukharee
Ibn Sharefah Abdul-Qawiyy al-Michiganee

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 04-04-2005 @ 3:21 PM
  as-salaamu 'alaikum...  Yaa Moosa, can you give us some more beneficial questions?   This time I will search and not guess insha'Allaah.  May Allaah reward you and increase us in knowledge.  

إبراهيم  البخاري
Ibraheem Bukharee
Ibn Sharefah Abdul-Qawiyy al-Michiganee

Moosaa    -- 26-06-2005 @ 6:25 AM
  wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.  Aameen to your supplication akhee Ibrahim.

Moosaa    -- 03-07-2005 @ 6:33 AM
  It seems that Lougain's question still stands:

What is the name of the lady whose father, grandfather, husband and brothers were all khalifas?

Moosaa    -- 03-07-2005 @ 6:51 AM
  As the poet described her:

بنت الخليفة جدها خليفة    زوج الخليفة ثم أخت الخلائف
"Daughter of the khaleefah, her grandfather was a khaleefah;
   The wife of the khaleefah, on top of that her brothers were khaleefahs.

Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah    -- 03-07-2005 @ 12:00 PM
  Assalamualaykum warahmatuAllahi wabarakatuh

I'd like to try insha Allah



1)Daughter of Abdul Malik bin Marwan - Umayyad khalifah

2) granddaughter of Marwan bin Al-Hakam -fourth Umayyad khalifah

3)wife of 'Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz RadiAllahu Anhu ,umayyad khalifah

4)her Brothers - Waleed ,Sulaiman,Hisham - Umayyad Khalifas

Wallaahu A'lam.

Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah    -- 04-07-2005 @ 2:19 AM

afwan , i have left out one name

that is her brother , named Yazid Bin Abdul Malik who  succeeded Umar bin Abdul Aziz as the next Khalifah.

Lougain    -- 05-07-2005 @ 11:55 AM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

Masha'allaah, excellent!!

Umm Rizqin Rosinah Bint Mohamed gets 1000 points, may Allaah grant her success..

There is another 500 points for the one who can answer which sahaabiyya was:
  • the cousin of Rasoolullaah
  • the wife of the first mu'allim that was sent to Medinah
  • the one whose uncle, brother and husband all died in the same battle?
As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

Hamza-L-F    -- 05-07-2005 @ 8:14 PM
  Asalaamu 'alaykum

Hamnah bint Jahsh

The three who died in the battle of Uhud were: Abdullah ibn Jahsh (her brother), Hamzah ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib (her uncle) and of course her husband Mus'ab ibn Umayr (the first ambassador of Islaam to Madinah, then Yathrib) radiyAllaahu 'anhum

Wa Allaahu 'alam

Subhaanakallaah humma wa bi Hamdika Ashadu allaa ilaha illa ant, astaghfiruka wa atooba ilayk

Lougain    -- 07-07-2005 @ 4:25 PM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

Masha'allaah.. 500 points for you Hamza.. May Allaah grant you success!!

What are the two names of the sahaabiyyah that used to be a poet before Islaam and had four sons that all died in the same battle?

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah    -- 08-07-2005 @ 2:15 AM
  wa alaykum Assalaam warahmatuAllahi wabarakatuh


Tumadir bint 'Amr a.k.a Al Khansah ,who fought the battle of Al Qadisiyyah and brought along her four sons. The Muslims won the battle , but she lost all her sons.

Wallaahu A'lam

umm.idris    -- 08-07-2005 @ 4:39 AM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahamatulah

Is it

Al-Khansa' bint Amr(Tumadir bint Amr bin Al-Harith) ?


'Uthmaan Ibn Haadir said, ?I said to ?Abdullaah Ibn ?Abbaas, ?Advise me.? He said, ?It is upon you to be upright, and follow the first affair (the way of the Prophet and his Companions), and do not innovate.

Lougain    -- 09-07-2005 @ 1:12 AM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

Masha'allaah.. Al-Khansah and Tumadir bint Amr is correct. Al-Qadisiyyah is correct aswell. May Allaah strenghten you both with beneficial knowledge.
It seems however that the level of the questions should be raised, so here's one to think about..

Imaam al Bukhaaree said that a muhaddith can not become complete until he has taken from his teachers aswell as from his contemporaries aswell as from his students.

The people that Imaam al-Bukhaaree learnt from are divided into five groups:

  • The first group are the shuyukh that studied directly from the tabi'een.
  • The second group that taught him were from the same generation as the first group but didn't get to learn from the tabi'een.
  • The third group studied with the kibaar of the tabiee-tabi'een.
  • The fourth group were his contemporaries that may sometimes have benefitted in something from their teachers that he had missed out and thus he would learn it from them instead.
  • The fifth group consisted of those of his own students that he was able to benefit from himself.

According to this information arrange the following names into the correct groups.
  • Muhammad bin Abdullaah al-Ansaaree
  • Abee Aasim an-Nabeel
  • Abee Na'eem
  • Sa'eed bin abee Mariam
  • Ayoob bin Sulaymaan
  • Sulaymaan bin Harb
  • Yahyaa bin Maeen
  • Ahmad bin Hanbal
  • Ishaaq bin Rahaawayh
  • Muhammad bin Yahyaa adh-Dhahlee
  • Abdullaah bin Hammaad
  • Abdullaah bin abil Aas al-Khawarizmee

As salaamu alaikum

mu'nis    -- 08-03-2010 @ 1:57 AM
  as-salaamu 'alekum:

raising for the purpose of hopefully someone answering the question raised by Lougain.

I am not sure if I am correct - however I recall Yahya ibn Maeen and Ishaq were present during the time of Sufyan and Imam Ahmad came in the later years of Imam Sufyan at-thauree and these two (Yahya ibn Maeen and Ishaq) took from Sufyan.

Allahu 'alam.

Say: "Truly, my Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, a right religion, the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham), Hanifa [i.e. the true Isl‎mic Monotheism - to believe in One God (All‎h i.e. to worship none but All‎h, Alone)] and he was not of polytheis

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