Topic: Ashura may be Friday!! Says Al-Luhaydan!!!

n.ahsan.shah    -- 17-02-2005 @ 9:46 PM
  Amongst the invaluable advice Shaykh Saleh Al-Luhaydan gave as reported in the Al_Riyadh Newspaer, about Ashura, he said.......

".....Because the beginning of Muharram 1426 was not confirmed (by moonsighting) and Wednesday was the 30th of Dhul-Hijjah, Allah's month of Muharram is deemed to have started on Thursday. Thus Friday is 9th Muharram. If however the beginning of the month was confirmed to be Wednesday then Thursday is the 9th, so it would be good to be prudent and fast Thursday, Friday and Saturday so one could make sure that the 9th and 10th have been fasted. It is hoped that by fasting the Day of Ashura you would achieve - by Allah's permission - expiation of the previous year's sins...."  


[Jazakalahukhayran to  Br. Owais Al-Hashimi for his translation]

Wassalamalykum wa rahmatullah
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem ibn Mohammad Ahsan-shah

((من كظم غيظاً و هو قادر أن ينفذه دعاه الله على رؤوس الخلائق حتى يخيره من الحور العين يزوجه منها ما يشاء))
[صحيح الجامع رقم 6522]

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