Topic: Shortcomings in Jarh and Ta'deel by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaimeen rahimahullaah

abdulilah    -- 19-12-2004 @ 10:02 PM
  Regarding Ibn Hajr al 'Asqalaani's comments on shortcomings in making jarh (criticizing) and ta'deel (qualified praise) from the explanation of Ibn Hajr's book 'Nuzhatu Nadr fi Tawdeehi Nukhbatil Fikr' explained by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaimeen rahimahullaah p.366 [with the footnotes of Sheikh al Albaani rahimahullaah- Maktabatu Sunnah]  

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaimeen rahimahullaah said:
"The writer says that it is obligatory to warn against being too lenient in making jarh (criticizing) and ta'deel (qualified praise) and he shows (may Allaah have mercy on him) that the shortcoming could be from two points:

Sٍometimes it stems from (personal) desires and (sometimes) due to corrupt intention: from (personal) desires means that the person who criticises or praises does so due to  whims and desires for the one being praised and due to whims and desires against the one being criticised.

He may criticise him due to a personal benefit (and we seek refuge in Allaah from that) between one another. (It may be) that they differed due to a sales contract or due to a rent agreement so he (the first person) criticised him (the second person) due to this reason. This is from the greatest of what could occur and it may be due to the reason that he praises him in order to gain a specific benefit. For example, he is seeking from him something but he (the second person) doesn't answer him so he (the first person) praises him to gain that benefit from him."

Ibn Hajr al 'Asqalaani said: "the speech of the earlier generations were mostly free from this."

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaimeen rahimahullaah said:

"You will not find in the speech of the earlier generation criticism or qualified praise due to desires or seeking (personal) benefit."

End of translation.

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

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