Topic: An Appeal from the salafees of masjidul muslimeen Brooklyn NY

NuffinButDaHaqq    -- 06-12-2004 @ 1:41 AM
  from the admin:

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His
aid and ask for His forgiveness. We see k refuge with Allah from
the evils of our souls, and the evil consequences of our sins.
Whomever Allah guides, then none can misguide him, and whomever
Allah leaves astray, then none can guide him aright. We testify
that there is none worthy of worship in truth but Allah alone,
having no partners, and We testified that Muhammad is the final
Messenger of Allah and His most complete slave and worshipper.

To proceed...

We the salafees of Masjid Al Muslimeen have decided that with the
help of Allah ta'ala we are going to give our best effort towards
purchasing our current location.

In our previous posting we gave some of the detailing with regards
to purchasing the building. The tentative numbers are $350,000 to
own. The first $150,000 due at the end of our lease which is in
February 2005. The next $200,000 due over the next two years. As
these numbers and time frame are only tentative we will be posting
the exact numbers after our next meeting with the property manager.

We know that an endeavor such is this is only possible with the aid
of Allah azza wa jella. We ask that all of those who wish to see
His face on the day of sorting out ask the Lord of the Jinn and
mankind to shower His favor upon us.

We ask our brothers and sisters to spread the word on our behalf.
We ask them to sacrifice on the establishment of the dawah here and
every where. Donations to this noble effort can be made out and
mailed directly to the Masjid. The address is on the home page. If
you have any questions or suggestions please contact the masjid or
email us.

My Allah give all of us success in this life and the next. Ameen.


a reminder... the address of masjidul muslimeen is as follows

1876 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11233

كن عالما او متعلما او محبا لاهله

ابو عزيزة عبد المجيد خزيمة بن رتشارد البليزي

NuffinButDaHaqq    -- 24-12-2004 @ 3:10 AM
  raised... do not forget our brothers in your du'aa or with any financial contributions!

was salaamu alaikum!

كن عالما او متعلما او محبا لاهله

ابو عزيزة عبد المجيد خزيمة بن رتشارد البليزي

NuffinButDaHaqq    -- 11-02-2005 @ 7:31 PM

كن عالما او متعلما او محبا لاهله

ابو عزيزة عبد المجيد خزيمة بن رتشارد البليزي

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