Topic: Eid in Medina

Hamzah.Mullick    -- 20-11-2004 @ 5:21 AM
  Assalamu Alaikum

I would like to thank the brothers in Medina especially, Abdulilaah, Aiman Fox, Abdul Lateef, for organizing the Eid gathering. It was a pleasant day with the brothers situated in the White Mountains and the sisters in two Villas.

It was nice to see salafees from Riyadh, Taif, Hail, London, USA,  Jeddah and Makkah.  The day was filled with activities ranging from mountain climbing to football, from quizzes to barbecues.

InshıAllaah if this is done again , I strongly recommend everyone to attend as it really showed brotherhood and it could be seen that the hearts were brought together.

JazkhıAllaah Khayr to all the brothers.

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