Topic: Arrangements for Zakaatul-Fitr - London    -- 07-11-2004 @ 9:46 AM

إن الحمد لله، نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله، أما بعد

Arrangements for Zakaatul-Fitr - London

£1 per person ? please clearly state the amount of money you are giving and for how many people.

Fitr will be collected from Sun 7th Nov TO Thurs 11th Nov.

Fitr can be given to any of the collectors below:

Abu Eesa - Mahmoud
Abu Ubayd - Awzaan
Abu Asiyyah - Yusuf
Abu Mariam - Hashim

Shaykh Ubayd ibn Abdullah ibn Sulaymaan al-Jabiree was asked (Nov 2002)

In Britain few people need Zakat ul-Fitr, is it permissible for us to send money to another country such as Morocco and the brothers there buy food?

Laa bas, Laa bas [it is ok], give to those who require it in Britain and send the rest [to morocco].

Do we send the amount of money required to buy a Sa?a of food for the British or the amount of money required to buy a Sa?a for those in Morocco?

For the British give them grain, or rice, or that which you have with you,?send for the people of Maghrib that which suffices them.

How many days before E?ed should we collect the money from the people?

This returns to you, you judge in the affair so that you can send it quickly, ?3 days, 4 days, 5 days so that the money may be collected.

This message was edited by on 11-7-04 @ 9:59 AM    -- 07-11-2004 @ 6:58 PM
  As Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Is it possible if I could send zakatul fitr by post to London from here??

Because in here I dont know where to give. Last there there were some arrangements in Maktabah Salafiyah, Birmingham but I dont know abt this year.

barakaAllaahu feekum

wassalaamu alaikum

abu ayyub.    -- 07-11-2004 @ 8:45 PM
  It is best you contact Spubs - 0121 773 0033 and make arrangements with them, as we are forwarding our collection onto them anyway.    -- 07-11-2004 @ 11:14 PM
  In relation to this topic then Bradford is also collecting Zakaatul-Fitr. This facility is specifically provided for those who live within Bradford or those who live in neighbouring cities such as Leeds, Nelson, Wakefield etc. For those who live further distances away then we advise that you give the money directly to SalafiBookstore Birmingham as like al-athariyyah, we will also be sending the money to them. All the money must reach SalafiBookstore Bradford by this Thursday 4pm.

Reminder: 1 pound per person!

This message was edited by on 11-7-04 @ 11:29 PM

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