Topic: Anyone in Maryland?

abu.talhah.a    -- 07-10-2004 @ 12:50 AM
  Assalaamu alaikum.

A brother I know wants to get in touch with some brothers in Maryland, could any brother in Maryland please provide some contact information (da'wah center, Talabul-Ilm etc).

Jazakumullaah khair

Aslam Ibn Aftabuddin Ibn Syyid Muhammad al-Abdul-Qaadir as-Saylaanee

Abu.Najiyyah    -- 07-10-2004 @ 4:31 AM
  Wa Alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullah

There is in Baltimore, Maryland Masjid Ad Da'watu ilat Tawheed, where Talib Abdullah is the Imam:

Masjid Ad Dawah Ilat Tawheed
2112 North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
(410) 244-0799

Also, there is Masjid Ghurabaa at the Ayah Islamic Center in Laurel, Maryland:

608 Washington Blvd
Laurel, MD 20707

301 543-7110

Barakallahu feekum

Abu Najiyyah Jamal Muhammad
Masjid Ghurabaa

"Every soul shall taste death."

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