Topic: shaikh Obaid Al Jabree will start his Lessons in Live Salafi Duroos

abuzeiadalathary    -- 14-09-2004 @ 11:55 AM

  assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu allah

  Our shaikh Obaid Bin Abdullah Al Jabree - Hafidahu Allah - will start his Lessons of Month of sha'aban from the next Sunday 5-8-1425 _ 19-9-2004  insha allah :

  Sunday - Monday : Book of Siyam (Fasting) from Book of Buloogh Al Maram.

  Tuesday : Book of Sunnah from Sunan Saheeh Abi Dawood .

   Time : 8:30pm Saudi Time insha allah

   in - Live Salafi Duroos - islam group

   all Lessons are Translated after dars insha allah

   wa jazakum allahu khairan


AbuAhmad67    -- 19-09-2004 @ 8:56 PM
  assallam alaikum                                                                        Was the dars cancelled today,because the dars that was played today on Live Salafi Duroos  was not the advertised dars? Live Salafi

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