Topic: What do the Ulema say about people with herpes

Daud.Chest    -- 14-07-2004 @ 7:58 PM
  Salaamu Alaykum,

A sister (new shahada) asked me to find out if she can get married.  I read Sh. Fawzi's statement that they can not get married, but his response was about AIDS, not herpes.  Then, I heard they can only marry someone else who has it.  Then, I heard that they can marry someone, but they can not conceal that they have it.  Which is it?  And, if there are differing opinions, who are the scholars and which opinion belongs to whom.  I researched the disease at the Center for Disease Control's website, and to my suprise, I found that 1:5 people in the U.S. has Simplex II (genital herpes), and most of mankind has Simplex I (fever blisters/cold sores); and that they are the same thing.  

Barakallaahu Feekum,


..."Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High.  It is not something left to the intellects and opinions of men.  Knowledge of it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger (Salallaahu Alayhi wa Salam)"...Imam Barbahaaree

musa.ibn.wendell    -- 14-07-2004 @ 10:24 PM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahmahtullah wa barakatu.

Masjid Rahmah has a tape titled, "Islaam: The Well Balanced Religion Al 'Allaamah Abu Muhammad Rabee' al Madkhalee".  On it is a question about marriage to someone with an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease).  

You can email Masjid Rahmah at

Barak Allaahu Feek.

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmahtullah wa barakatu.

Abu Musa Musa Ibn Wendell Ball Al Amriki

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

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