Topic: Event in Rochester NY

Abu.AbdilHameed    -- 14-07-2004 @ 4:12 AM
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

There will be a one day event at Masjid as-Sunnah
in Rochester, NY Insha'Allahu Ta'ala!!!

We recently confirmed attendance with some of the
speakers at Masjid Rahmah's latest event, and they

    Hasan as-Somaali
    Abul Hasan Maalik al-Akhdar

and pending confirmation is:

    Abu Uways Abdullaah Ahmed Ali

If you have any questions please contact Abdu-Salaam al-Kanadee
at 585-729-4796 (585.729.4796 if you are outside the US) or
if it is too expensive, insha'Allah you can email us at:

Please view the attatched Flyer.

Wassallallahu 'Alaa Nabiyyinaah Muhammad waSallim

Rajaey ibn AbdilHameed ibn Qaasid al Phalastinee

Abu.AbdilHameed    -- 17-07-2004 @ 4:37 PM
  Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

We have confirmed a tele-link with Sh. Yahaa Al Hajoori
from Dammaj through a student there who used to be in
Rochester.  The tele-link is scheduled for after Dhur
EST inshallah.

Rajaey ibn AbdilHameed ibn Qaasid al Phalastinee

Abu.AbdilHameed    -- 17-07-2004 @ 7:31 PM
  Bismillahir rahamanir raheem,

Just a note for the people inshallah,

As a brother pointed out to me, this
Day of Knowledge will not be broadcasted
on paltalk or insight audio becuause the
masjid does not even have a phone line
hard wired (scheduled for this thrus.
inshallah) and is in it's early stages

The intent is for all people from surrounding
areas as far south as bighamton and as far east
as Syracuse, and as far north as Toronto etc, to
try to make it.

And also it is posted so people know Masjid As-Sunnah
in Rochester and who we are with inshallah, etc.  
Barkallahu feekum

Rajaey ibn AbdilHameed ibn Qaasid al Phalastinee

Abu.AbdilHameed    -- 25-07-2004 @ 2:54 PM
  Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

We have just been informed that our speakers
will not be able to attend the little mini
conference here in Rochester.

We will still be having an event which will
include a telelink with Sh. Yahaa Al-Hajoori
and some other little talks inshallah.

Wassalaahu wassalaam wabarak 'Alaa Nabyinaah

Rajaey ibn AbdilHameed ibn Qaasid al Phalastinee

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