Topic: Should marry again?

reza    -- 18-05-2004 @ 3:42 PM
  Assalamu Alaikum
I want to know position of a sister, who married a muslim thru a civil ceremony when she was a dis-believer and had chlidren too.Alhmadulillah now she a muslim.Does she has to go thru the

1.Islamic marraige process?

2.What the postion of her kids?

3.What if the Husband is not keen on nikah saying they are already married.

Muhammad Reza

Abu.Yaqoob.Jhangir    -- 18-05-2004 @ 11:08 PM
  Salaam alaykum this is quite similar to those couples who were either married before islaam or were not married before islaam and became muslim. but still needs more clarification.

Position of marriage:

In the case you presented the husband was muslim before the marriage and the wife was not muslim before the marriage?

They married at a civil ceremony, is that being the same as marriage registry office?

Position of children:

is this in the sense of deen? i.e. what religion should they be?

or whether the child can take their fathers lineage?

Who did she have children from? and was she married to him (civil ceremony way) when she had them?

Abu Yaqoob Muhammad Jahangir Ibn Ramadhaan Ibn Himat Ibn Raheem Khan

reza    -- 25-05-2004 @ 10:34 AM
Walai khumus salaam Akhi jahanghir

1.Husband is a born Muslim.

2.Yes Akhi only in the registry office.

3.Masha-Allah  children and the mum are practising muslims and she keeps company with salafi sisters.

4.She had children from the present husband her query is are they illegal plus whether they could carry farthers lineage? She was married to him in a civil ceremony  before she had the kids.And does she has to go thru nikah and waleema ++ again?

Abu-Fadhlallah Muhammad Reza as Saylanee

reza    -- 01-06-2004 @ 5:05 PM
  Question Raised

Abu Fadhlallah Muhammad Reza

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