Topic: Ahlul-Bi'dah vs. Kuffaar schools

Jilbaab    -- 06-05-2004 @ 2:27 AM
  Question:  Some Salafees think Ahlul-Bi'dah?s schools are worse than the Kufaar?s schools.  There is no [full-time weekday] Salafee school yet, and many do not homeschool.  What is the ruling on one who chooses to send their Salafee children to the schools of the Kufaar (e.g. some Salafee parents say that the majority of the kids are Muslim in the public school where their child(ren) attend)?

The response was?

?This is wrong!  Are they trying to teach kufr to their children??  We reject their bi?dah, but they are still inside [the fold of] Islaam.  It is not permissible to send Muslim children to the schools of the Kufaar whatsoever!  They are following their desires.  This is common sense and they try to justify their decision because they know it?s wrong.?

Answer given by Shaykh ?Ubayd ibn ?Abdullah al-Jaabiree (Hafitha-hullaah)
Translated by Umm ?Abdir-Rahmaan Hanim Say
Telelink from Toronto, Canada
14 Rabi? Awwal 1425  |  4 May 2004

ام خديجة شحيدة
Umm Khadijah Shahidah

This message was edited by Jilbaab on 5-6-04 @ 2:58 AM

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