Topic: Fundraiser in Los Angeles, CA.

abooNoorani    -- 07-04-2004 @ 11:32 PM

Markas As Salafi- Los Angeles invites you to a Fund-raising Conference.

"Unity Based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah vs. False Ideologies"

Location:  Crenshaw High School- Los Angeles California
Date:  Saturday- May 22, 2004
Time:  10:00AM

         Abu Abdullaah Hasan as Somali- Philadelphia
         Abu Mujaahid Fareed Abdullah- Los Angeles
         Abu Uwais Abdullaah Ahmed Ali- New Jersey

-Limited Vending Available: $70.00 Per Booth
-Day Care Services Provided: $5.00 Per Child for guides and reservations
-venue located at: 5010 11th Ave.- Los Angeles for venue directions
-for more info. please call: 323-815-0241 or

Abu Nurani Abdur-raheem bin Ana Rivera

AbuUkkaasha    -- 20-05-2004 @ 10:25 PM
Markaz-As-Salafi Update


As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

Please download the update baraka Allaahu feekum.

من خالف هذا المنهج- يعني منهج السلف-و سار على منهج آخر فانه ليس منا و لسنا منه, و لا ننتسب اليه, ولا ينتسب الينا, و لا  يسمى جماعة, و انما يسمى فرقة من الفرق الضالة

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