Topic: contractual mariage

ummumaryam    -- 20-02-2004 @ 3:41 AM
Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'aalameen, was salaatu was salaamu 'alaa ashrafil anbiyaa e wal mursaleen.

    As salaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,
I have a question and Insha Allah I hope that someone will be able to find the answer for me.

    I understand there was/is a fatwa by Shaykh 'Uthaymeen regarding a contractual marriage that involves the 2 parties coming together without a mahr or consumation for the purpose of getting to know each other but with the intent to pursue marriage.

    I need clarity on the details of this marriage contract such as;

How long is this recommended for?

Is the man responsible for maintenance of the woman?

In the case of polygany, are there any special considerations with regards to the husband and wife in this type of contract?

In this contract are they allowed to do the usual talking and going out together that a husband and wife would do, or touching without consumation?

Perhaps someone is familiar with this ruling of Shaykh 'Uthaymeen and can provide me with the details insha Allah.

Barak Allahu feek
was salaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
Ummu Maryam

abu.sufyaan    -- 20-02-2004 @ 11:33 AM
  ASSALAAMUALAYKUM , maybe the sister asking this question has got it all wrong , looking at what she has stated i cannot believe that the SHEIKH could everhave issued such a fatwa,. There was something close to this where some people was saying that the SHEIKH allowed for a man to marry a woman with the intention he was going to divorce her after a time(an over sea student away from his country marrying a woman in the country he is visiting)and that he would divorce her when he wishes to return to his country, and this without the woman knowing this was his intention. I recall when we asked the SHEIKH this in Makka in one of the sittings we had with him ,he became very angry and said the  one who said this about him was a liar.And ALLAAH knows best.As a side point how can u have a marriage contract and coming together without a mahr, and without comsumation? awaiting the result on this fatwa

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