Topic: The ruling on women going to college

ummumaryam    -- 20-02-2004 @ 3:34 AM
  Bismillah, was salaatu was salaamu ala rasoolillah, wa ba'd

As salaamu alaikum,

I read a while ago that it wasnt permissible for the women to go to school (that both men and women attend) unless it was out of necessity. However the ruling was made by Munajjid, and I understand that he is not salafi so I was wondering if anyone could help me in finding and authentic ruling for this topic Insha Allah. Also what would be considered a necessity?

was salaamu alaikum
Ummu Maryam

al.Arabaanee    -- 21-02-2004 @ 1:57 PM
  Assalamu alaikum


Abdur Rahmaan bin Tony

إذا التبستِ الأمورُ فعليكُمْ بالأمرِ العتيقِ

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