Topic: Umar Abdur Rahman al-Kharijee

ekbal.hussain    -- 31-10-2003 @ 3:40 PM
  Assalamu Alaikum,

Does anybody know if any of the Ulamah spoke concerning the above individual.  I have read (somewhere, I think, that this man is actually blind and is currently imprisoned in the United States, for his part in the plot to bomb the Twin towers in New York, this was before the events of September 11th.  He seems to be very popular with the crazy khawarij in London and elsewhere and they refer to him as their 'shaykh'.  

This man is obviously a khariji renegade, but have any of the Ulamah spoke and warned against him?  I ask this, because one salafi brother told me that he heard Shaykhul Islam Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah) speak against him and label him a khariji.  I would like to know of this is true?  Is anybody aware of this? if so can you please provide the reference, so I can spread this information to those who ask for it.

Jazzak Umullahu Khairan.

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