Topic: About the Book from Sh. Fawzee

ilyas.abu.ameenah    -- 04-10-2003 @ 10:29 AM
  As selam aleykum,
I´ve heard that Shaykh Fawzee and one Shaykh from Yemen wrote a Book. As a answer for the Book from Shaykh Muhsin "Rifqan ahlus-sunnah...".
My Question is: The Book from Shaykh Fawzee, the answer for the Book from Shaykh Muhsin,when will it be translated?
Because the Book from Shaykh Muhsin is used from the Hizbiyyoun. So it will be a Mashallah Thing when we will have the translated Book from Shaykh Fawzee, so that the Hizbiyyoun will not go further.

As selam aleykum

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