Topic: Hanging verses of Qur'aan on the wall?    -- 24-08-2003 @ 7:05 PM
  Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah

I remember seeing fatwa of Shaykh Fawzaan on this issue somewhere in this message board, but I cant find it now, can someone plz give me a link for that fatwa or post the fatwa here. Jazakallah Khayr.

wa'alaikum assalaam
abu ayyub farid al bukhari

hasan336    -- 24-08-2003 @ 7:26 PM
  Wa 'alaykum salaam wa Rahmatullaah wa Barakatu,

I couldn't find it on here either, but try this link from al-Baseerah :

Here is the text:

Question: Is it permissible to hang verses of the Quraan and Prophetic supplications on the walls of the house?

Response: Hanging verses (of the Quraan) which are written or Ahadeeth and supplications, all of this was not from the actions of the Salaf. They did not write the verses, Ahadeeth and supplications and then attach them to the walls.

Rather they used to memorise them and act upon them and honour them with the utmost respect and write them in the books.

As for hanging the verses, ahadeeth and supplications then this is not allowed especially the verses of the Quraan for surely hanging them (on the walls) is exposing them to improper treatment as that which is attached might fall from the wall and get trodden on and be degraded?.

(From the answer to a similar question (question 66))

And some people hang them for decoration and beautification of the scenery and they might even hang them next to an impermissible picture.

And maybe it will be engraved or written in various art forms, so it might be written on a picture of a lamp or a drinking glass or even something which is worse than that like an animal or a bird or butterfly and other than this.

All of this is playing idly with the book of Allah..........

Al Mutaqaa min Fatawaa Shaykh Fawzaan (2/77-79)

Translated by akh Hasan as Somali

(Please also refer to the fatawa of Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen who also explains that it is not permissable to hang verses, ayats of the Quraan on the walls)  

Was salaam 'alaykum,
Abu Muhammad Hasan Grooms

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