Topic: Clarification by Mikail Ariff to SalafiTalk.Net and Salaf.Com

Admin    -- 15-08-2003 @ 8:44 AM
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Clarification by Mikail Ariff to all my Salafi Brothers

From Mikail Ariff to my salafi brothers at,, and elsewhere.

As Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

The following is an extract of a letter I wrote earlier this summer to some of my brothers in Riyadh (Abu Nasir, Abu Aisha, and Abu Obaydah) who had taken time over the past year to advise me about a few of my lapses and mistakes.  Since some of these mistakes were made publicly, I feel I owe my brothers on this forum (and anyone else who may need to know) this public clarification...

I am making this special request due to the fact that my name has been mentioned on in the past by one of the brothers on the forum in connection with some of my mistakes.  Therefore, I?d like my clarification to be just as public via the same forum.

The extract of the letter I gave to some of the brothers in Riyadh follows below.  I have edited it slightly from the original, having taken out some references to very specific incidents in point number two that would only make sense to the brothers the letter was originally sent to.  Also, I have added a little more explanation where I felt it necessary.

My aim here is to clarify myself to anyone who may have a question about my manhaj or attachments and to make islaah with those salafi brothers whom I have wronged.

May Allaah reward all of you for your efforts in the da?wah.  I have benefited much [from] your websites.  And may He increase and join the ranks of salafis everywhere.

Your brother,

Mikail Ariff

Extract of an Open Letter Given to Some of my Brothers in Riyadh

I have recently come to realize a number of things about myself, and I feel I owe each of you brothers the following open apology and clarification by way of making my repentance to Allaah complete:
  1. First, I recognize that I have made many mistakes over the past few years.  Allaahul Musta?aan.  And I ask Allaah to make our hearts firm upon His deen.
  2. I have come to realize a pattern of hastiness / acting upon ignorance in my actions over the past several years.  This seems obvious now in the following cases, all of which I regret:  the aqeeqah incident, my unnecessarily speaking to Fawzi to tell him I was making hajr of him, my translating in Brixton?s conference last year (Summer 2002, where I translated 3 talks for Musa Nasr and Saleem al Hilaalee) without researching first to find out about the existing jarh against them.
  3. Also, I have come to realize, especially after reading Shaykh Obayd?s statements about tamyee? on the SPUBS website (may Allaah reward the Shaykh and them), that I have been too soft with some of the brothers in Riyadh over the past years [with softness that was out of place and inappropriate to the situation].
  4. On the other hand, and much to my regret, I have been cold to brothers I have never found fault with for their clarity in manhaj and safety in being with the people of knowledge (i.e., yourselves).  This was unjust on my part, and I ask all of you to forgive me my transgressions against you.
  5. I feel especially bad about the coldness with which I have treated you because it does not befit a salafi to act in such a manner with his clear salafi brothers while treating unclear brothers with gentle advice and forebearance.  Justifiably, that kind of behavior put a question mark on my walaa and baraa, to say the least.
  6. Therefore, I want to plainly express that I am with all my Salafi scholars and brothers.  I love and follow Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh Obayd, Shaykh Faleh, Shaykh Zayd, Shaykh Ahmed an Najmee, Shaykh Fowzan, and all their brothers among the Salafi scholars.  My walaa is with them, as well as with the students and brothers who love and follow them, with special mention in the West of the brothers at
  7. And I believe in the principle of the jarh mufassar being taken over the ta?deel al mujmal.  I free myself from and express my enmity towards everyone who has taken a way other than that of the Salaf, and I apply the principle of jarh mufassar as our Shaykhs have directed us to, for example, on the likes of Aroor, Abul Hasan [al-Ma'ribee], [al-]Magrawi, Safar, Salman, Aidh al Qarnee, as well as their followers, supporters, and look-alikes everywhere, including Abu Usamah adh Dhahabi, Abdul Qadir al Lutoni, Abu Aaliyah, Abu Muntasir, Suhaib Hasan, Fawzi al Odeh (Aroor?s sidekick), Ali Tamimi, Zarabozo, etc.  May Allaah protect us from every bid?a and talbees.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

This message was edited by Admin on 8-15-03 @ 9:37 AM

Admin    -- 15-08-2003 @ 8:49 AM
  We ask Allaah that He rewards this brother for this noble action of clarifying these matters openly and grants him firmness upon the Salafee manhaj and that He protects us all from the desires and doubts and from the evil companionship that leads astray. Ameen.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

Jafar.Rich    -- 16-08-2003 @ 10:46 AM
  alhamdulillaahi was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa ba'd:

my translating in Brixton?s conference last year (Summer2002 , where I translated 3 talks for Musa Nasr and Saleem al Hilaalee) without researching first to find out about the existing jarh against them.

Which jarh was that exactly?

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين

Ja'far ibn Richard Railton

iamsalafee    -- 16-08-2003 @ 12:28 PM
  The jarh of Shk. Faalih al-Harbee in Summer 2002 explaining they are on the same manhaj as Abul-Hasan.

Jafar.Rich    -- 16-08-2003 @ 6:12 PM
  Baarakallaahu feekum.

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين

Ja'far ibn Richard Railton

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