Topic: khulafah rashideen

dawud-ASWJ    -- 08-06-2010 @ 8:56 PM
  assalamu alaykum

What is the status of the khilafah of hasan radiyallahu anhu? Is he included in the 30years and classed as a rightly guided khalifah? Do the ulema differ or is there ijma? Why when i first came into islam was i constantly told there were four rightly guided khulafah?

It would be much appreciated to get clarification on this issue. Jazakum allahu khairun

anything good was from allah. All errors were from myself and satan

jazakum allahu khair

assalamu alaykum wa rahmah tullahi wa barakatuhu

mu'nis    -- 17-06-2010 @ 1:45 PM
  was-salaamu 'alekum warhamtullah:

Refer to 3rd reply:

I recall reading that Hasan radhiaAllahu Anhu was khalifa for a period of 6 months after which he gave pledge to Muawiyyah radhiAllahu anhu - whose kingship started right after 30 years had come to pass.

Say: "Truly, my Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, a right religion, the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham), Hanifa [i.e. the true Islýmic Monotheism - to believe in One God (Allýh i.e. to worship none but Allýh, Alone)] and he was not of polytheis

Abu_Ubayd    -- 18-06-2010 @ 9:06 AM
  Assaaamu alaikum

Please see articles on at the following link for further clarification:

Baarak Allahu feekum

Umar Abu Ubayd

"Oh Allah benefit us with what you taught us, teach us what benefits us, and increase us in knowledge". (ibn Maajah)

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