Topic: Is wearing of the niqab a form of bida'h?

Tanweer    -- 05-04-2010 @ 6:00 AM
  Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh,

I have been asked a question when I was defining Bida'h and the reasons why we shouldn't follow the People of innovation.

So the question was :"so does it mean that wearing the niqab is bida'h, as from what I learned niqab is not obligaroty?"

I didn't have the answer for this as I couldn't give any evidence about it, so please Insha Allah if anyone of you can help me to clarify this, may Allah reward you.

Jazaakum Allahu Khairan

Jazaak Allah Khayr
Umm Laina

ummmusa88    -- 05-04-2010 @ 3:04 PM
  asalamu alaiki wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

no it is not bid'ah,

rather it is from the pure sunnah,

check shaykh al albani's book: The Hijaab [Jilbaab] of the Muslim Woman as in
the Qur'aan and Sunnah under the heading Know that covering the face and
the wrists has its basis in the Sunnah, And this was an action that was done
during the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam)

Sajid_R    -- 07-04-2010 @ 8:03 AM
  Concerning the Hadeeth of Asma' Regarding Hijaab -

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