Topic: Does anyone know anything about these two books?

abu.talhah.a    -- 03-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Assalaamu alaikum

I've was gifted with the book
"An Explanation of Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab's Four Principles od Shirk"
Taken from the works of Abdullaah ibn Jibrin, Salih Aal al-Shaykh and others.
By Abu Ammaar Yaasir Qadhi.
Published by al-Hidaayah, UK

Has anyone of the Tullaabul-Ilm read this book?
Am I allowed to read it and benefit from it?

Also the book:
"15 Ways of Increasing Your Earnings from the Quran and Sunnah"
by Abu Ammaar Yaasir Qadhi
Published by al-Hidaayah, UK

Jazakumullaah khair

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