Topic: An Important Request

AbuAbbasAlBukhariy    -- 28-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Assalamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

This request is for those brothers around the world who know any salafi brothers(or at leats praying) who are uzbek(i.e From Uzbekistan). If somebody knows anyone plz is it possible to get there contact information or ask them to contact me..because we are doing one project to spread the dawah in Uzbekistan because it is really needed. Uzbekistan is land of Imaam Al Bukhari rahimahullah..but many people are ignorant of Tawheed...some of them making grave of Imaam Al-Bukhari  as worship place etc...May Allaah save us from.
We alhamdulillah started to make magazine in Uzbek named "Islom Sof Holida" i.e "Pure Islam" but we needed some help from other uzbek brothers in translation etc...There are not really sahih books inside Uzbekistan mainly sufi books..I used to read them myself before i knew about Salafiyah. People in Uzbekistan are lack of pure Islamic knowledge...May Allaah guide them and grant them Ilm.

So..plz if anyone knows inform us inshaAllaah. I hear from some brothers that there are some uzbeks in madina (may be studying in madina uni)..Allaah knows best..

Jazakallah Khayr.
wa'alaykum salam
Abu Abbas.

AbuAbbasAlBukhariy    -- 02-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah

I am assuming that there are some brothers who might know uzbek brothers but did not register to the forum yet. they can send email to inshaAllaah if they know anyone Jazakallah Khayr
wa'alaykum salam
Abu Abbas

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